Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lord of All I Survey

Or so he would like to think. This is my mother's dog Teddy. He's a little yappy dog. But cute--most of the time.

This was taken several years ago, in my hometown. One weekend late in our senior year of college several of my friends came home with me for visit. That was a bit of a tradition with me; at least once every term (my college had trimesters) I would go home for a weekend and take several friends with me. It was really nice to get away from campus life for a while and just be in a home, rather than a dorm. We all would have a quiet, relaxing time before heading back to the daily grind of schoolwork, classes, and stress.

On this particular trip we took Teddy for a walk and ended up at the local country club's golf course. It was a beautiful day, late in the afternoon--or early evening, whichever you want to call it--so we just sat and rested for a while, talking and taking in the lovely golden light before heading back.

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