Thursday, February 16, 2012

Still trying to figure out Afghanistan; crazy busy with schools, fellowship applications, job applications, family stuff, money troubles, and life in general.

So instead, here is another photo of the desert.

It's an appropriate metaphor for my life right now, anyway.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm feeling much better now. Things are finally starting to come together, and I'm moving forward on planning my trip to Afghanistan. I might be getting some money back from the university from a screw-up regarding one of my classes last summer, which obviously is something I am in desperate need of. Another scholarship to provide funding for travel has come up, so obviously I'm going to apply. The only problem with that is that I'm pretty sure one of my friends/classmates is also applying and she stands a much better chance of getting it.

But we'll see.

Right now I'm just happy to be back on track!