Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hiking, Waterfalls, and Rocks

This past weekend one of my friends invited me to go hiking. Arizona is a fantastic place for hiking, or so I've been told -- I had never actually been hiking before. The one we went on was supposed to be a fairly easy and short one, so I figured I would be fine even though I'm in terrible shape.

Ahhh, not so much. Instead of walking along a smooth straight path, pretty much the whole thing involved climbing up, over, and down rocks.

Yeah, those rocks.

I thought I was going to die. It was extremely difficult for me to keep up with my friends, but somehow I managed. Mostly. However, I stopped at the first, lower, smaller waterfall rather than continuing on to the big main one with my friends. There's no way I could have made it any farther, so instead I rested in the shade, took pictures, and waited for my friends to come back.

As a result of this strenuous activity, every muscle in my body has been screaming since yesterday. Ouch! Other than that, it was actually pretty fun. Scrambling up and down rocks like that reminded me of being a kid again. Not to mention it was beautiful country. And waterfalls are always a treat.

More pictures from the hike below:

A more detailed description of my trip can be found on my Border Beat blog here.

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