This week I actually went out looking for red, and surprise! I found it under my very nose, at work! This is the lineup of various drink machines in the ballroom kitchen where we do most of our catering. The red one is one of the three spigots on the giant coffee maker we have back there. And just FYI, that coffee maker is possessed. It hates me. It keeps breaking down--as soon as we fix one problem, another one manifests itself. Coffee Satan's latest foible was to keep overflowing when we tried to make coffee, so that there would be a deluge of water coming out of it in several spots, completely soaking the floor and everything around it while we frantically scrambled to find bowls and pitchers to catch the water in, then of course stopping as soon as the water-catchers are all in place. Well, we fixed that and shortly after, instead of overflowing water, it started overflowing coffee. Then we fixed that, and so far nothing else has gone wrong with it.
Although our little coffee maker has started occasionally leaking when we use it.
You just can't win.
See more Ruby Tuesday entries here.
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