Thursday, July 7, 2011


The Chicago Theater

I just read a post on a blog I follow asking which destination would be a good weekend getaway: LA, Vegas, or Chicago. I've never been to the other two but as I've mentioned before, I have spent a great deal of time in Chicago. I even lived there one summer in college while interning at World Book Encyclopedia. The internship was rather unmemorable, but I loved living in Chicago!

Thinking about Chicago has made me nostalgic for "my" city, which I would love to visit again, as well as all my friends who still live there. In honor of my old Chicago home, here are some old pictures from my many trips there over the past eight years.


Random building near Millennium Park

Michigan Ave. down by the parks

One of my favorite things about Chicago: the Bean!

A Bean tradition

The lobby of the Palmer House Hilton, an iconic Chicago hotel, at Christmastime.

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