Considering that for the past few years I've been buried in a small rural town in Illinois working in a kitchen, I've paid even less attention to fashionable clothes than usual. As a result, on the off chance that I do manage to get that internship in Washington, DC this summer, I realized that I won't have any appropriate work clothes to wear. Any that I already own are from my last year of college or earlier, which puts them firmly out of style. This has led me to do quite a bit of research on style/clothes/fashion trends over the past few days. I'm out of practice when it comes to business casual, office-appropriate outfits so I've been trying to remedy that through internet research.
Unfortunately, due to my limited (or more accurately, non-existent) budget, even if I do get the internship and head out for some shopping, at best I would be able to buy a few items and only for extremely reduced prices. But with me being me, that hasn't stopped me from admiring and dreaming! During the course of my research I've come across quite a few separate pieces as well as complete outfits that immediately had me salivating.
Oh, to be rich...
The outfit below is one of them. I love absolutely everything about this dress, from the rich vivid green to the asymmetrical draping across the chest to the traditional tea length. I also love the choice of shoes. Paired with this dress, the shoes add to the classic 1930's feel of the outfit. That happens to be a period I adore stylistically, so everything about this looks appeals to me.

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