We've been getting quite a lot of rain here lately, although apparently not as much as other areas of the country (here's looking at you, Georgia), and these enormous puddles formed on the remains of an old road near where I live. The Burg has a lot of brick roads that I'm guessing date back to the nineteenth century, and are very picturesque but not a lot of fun to drive over. This one is no longer a road. It runs at an angle for about a short half-block, almost parallel to the train tracks until it runs into them and stops. Everytime I go by, either walking or driving, I wonder how old it is, what happened to the rest of the road, and why this section is still here. Actually, this picture is rather misleading because you can't normally see the bricks. When I took the picture and looked at it in the LED screen, I lowered the camera and looked at the road, then back at the camera in confusion, because the picture I was seeing in the camera was not the same scene I was seeing in real life. Actually, all I could see was dust, and the bricks very faintly underneath. They didn't look red; they were the same color as the dust. They really pop in the picture a lot more than they do in real life for some reason. I guess that's one of the instances of where a picture can lie.