My Feline Feature for this week is two days late, and it's only the second one of the series! Wow, that's just sad. I've really got to do better. The single pathetic excuse I can offer is that I've been really busy this past week. J got off without a hitch, she's all settled in at her internship and completely loving it. I miss having her here, but I'm glad she's happy and I'm really glad that she is able to be out doing something that she loves and feels so strongly about. I haven't been able to find that yet, much less get to do it.
Anyways, like I said, I've been busy working, as well as re-organizing and cleaning my apartment since it's a lot emptier without all of J's stuff. And believe me, it needed a good cleaning! I'm not exactly the best housekeeper. Okay, I'll be honest, I
hate cleaning and therefore do it as rarely as possible. Hence the need for a thorough cleaning while I had the chance.
And now, this week's (slightly late) Feline Feature Photo!

This is Malaika, my roommate's (and now my) cat. She's really adorable when she's not racing around the apartment destroying things. I managed to catch her here while she was napping, which by the size of her eyes you would never be able to tell. She just has these huge brown eyes and does quite a bit of staring. I also like the contrast of the blue blanket behind her, it really makes her face, and especially those big brown eyes, pop so that they're the first thing you see.
1 comment:
Oh my LORD, I miss her.
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