Yet again I come back to this blog only after realizing just how long it's been since I've updated.
The biggest development is that I've temporarily put school on hold while I try to find a job, save up enough money, and hopefully transfer to another school/program.
Right now I'm stuck in Schroedinger's cat territory -- applied for my dream job, made it through two interviews to become one of two finalists, and am stuck waiting to hear if I got it or not. The hiring manager told me they'd let me know Friday or early next week and as Friday has passed with no notice, I get to spend the weekend agonizing over it. I'm basically assuming I didn't get it, because I'm fairly to pretty damn sure I didn't, but that doesn't stop the agony.
However, that fact also hasn't stopped me from dreaming about what would happen if I did get it, because it's pretty much impossible to stop me from that. It would also be the first time in my life that I would be making good money, because it's a government contractor that presumably comes with the typical comfortable salary, and I would be living at their compound in Kabul so I wouldn't exactly have any expenses.
And the best part is, those contracts come with five vacations a year! Since I don't know any of the details yet (those would come with the offer), my mind has been going crazy with all these fantastic luxurious vacation ideas in all the places I've always wanted to visit.
High on the list is Kenya, where I could finally visit my good friend from college, and stay at the Giraffe Manor because I LOVE giraffes!
Then there's Dubai, of course, and Istanbul, and Morocco, and Oman, and Jordan, and Cambodia, and India, and about 500 others.
Needless to say, all this dreaming is only going to make the rejection that much worse and the fall that much harder. But I still can't stop myself from doing it.
#988 The Gas Arrow
12 hours ago