I really miss all my kids, and the school, and Kabul, and basically everything about Afghanistan.
Well, okay, maybe not everything. But most things.
I love still being able to talk to my kids on Skype, and that they occasionally still call me for help, and that several of them called me on my birthday to wish me a happy birthday.
I really need/wish/am dying to jump-start my life and finally start my real life. I've been applying for jobs like crazy, but so far have had zero luck.
One of the kind-of-annoying things that always happens when I tell people what field I'm interested in (international development) is that they always say, "Oh, what about the Peace Corps? Have you looked in to that?"
Really? Do they really think I haven't thought long and hard about the Peace Corps, and even started the application process?
I'm just still not sure if I'm ready for it. I think I'm getting there, but I don't know if I'll ever reach it. My last risk didn't work out so well, so I'm not okay with taking another one so soon, especially such a huge one.
So for now I'll keep the application active, and the idea on the backburner, but still there.
#988 The Gas Arrow
13 hours ago