Today was a good library day.
The best part is, I hadn't even meant for today to be a library day. I had several books that were due back a few days ago, and as usual I procrastinated and kept putting off returning them, even though I finished them all quite a while ago. I know, I'm terrible. I can't for the life of me turn a book in on time. And considering that I worked in a library on and off for seven years, that's a little concerning.
Anyways, I finally decided to stop by the library on my way home from work today to drop them off. At first I debated whether I should just go by the drive-through book drop-off, but eventually decided that I might as well go in and see if there was anything interesting on the new book shelf. Well, as soon as I walk up to it and start scanning the shelves, the first book I see is Douglas Adams'
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe! I've been wanting to read that book since I read
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy way back in October, but the library's only copy was missing. Well, they must have decided to replace it, and just gotten the new one in. YEEESSSS!!! I loved
Hitchhiker and really wanted to continue the series, but I'm one of those people that absolutely
HAS to read books in order. I can't skip books in a series. So you understand my excitement at realizing that I can finish the series now! Yay!
Then, a few books later, I found
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies! Another book I've been anxiously awaiting, since my old roommate J alerted me to the fact that it was soon to be published, way back last winter. It just came out a few weeks ago, and I'd been meaning to check the library for it but, as usual, hadn't gotten around to it. I mean, come on! It's Pride and Prejudice! With zombies! What could be more awesome?
Then, after that I found a few new titles by two of my favorite authors of trashy romance novels (my guilty pleasure--I can't resist them!) and stocked up on them.
Then I found a new Chuck Palahniuk novel! Yes! I'm a huge fan of
Fight Club, so I can't wait to get to this one.
In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a major book person. The only thing I would ever get in trouble in school for when I was a kid was for reading in class. Something that I did a little too often, and maybe explains why my basic math skills are so lousy...
All in all, it was a good day at the library.